Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jeruselem Artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes (also called Sunchokes) are sweet and almost garlicky and mushroomy and gorgeous. Although called artichokes they’re actually tubers – like rough and ready potatoes. You can scrub and roast them whole like mini jacket potatoes and split them open, drizzled with a little chili oil. You can even use them in a salad with smoky bacon. A Jerusalem artichoke’s best friends are sage, thyme, butter, bacon, bay, cream, breadcrumbs, cheese and anything smoked


  1. Thank you for sharing what these are. I looked at them and scratched my head saying "...maybe ginger and why so much." lol. Glad to know what they really are, now I can appreciate and enjoy them.

  2. Lacy, thanks for posting a ccomment! I started this blog for me to organize my recipes. I have 4 kids and to try and stay organized is impossible :)
    I am sooo glad so many people are being blessed by Bounitful Baskets. Anything I can do to help others eat better and save money makes me very happy!
    When I got my basket today I was wondering what they were too...but then it dawned on me. I thought these were only in fairy tales, since I have only heard about them on FoodNetwork. I can't wait to try them tonight!
